Safety First

Hello Leggett Valley Community,

Our District is updating our Emergency Operations Plan and we would like to ask for your help by completing a Hazard-Threat Assessment Survey (HTAS).  The purpose is to prioritize and identify possible threats and hazards we may face.

Please complete the survey in its entirety by clicking on the link below. 

As you work through the questions, remember that it is a survey of your opinions and does not require any specialized emergency management background. It is a subjective survey of your perception of possible hazards or threats the districts may face.

The survey consists of four categories to be rated: 

 •  Probability (how likely you think it is that this will occur)

•  Magnitude (how bad you think it is going to be)

•  Warning (how far in advance might you know it is going to occur)

•  Duration (how long do you think the event will last – when ongoing damage or threat stops)

Select the answer that first comes to mind and try not to overthink your answers.

Please complete the survey by Friday, October 27.

Thank you for completing the survey.



Sierra Lahera, Superintendent