Attention: Elementary Parents! Hello! We hope you are enjoying your summer! We wanted to send you information about an exciting, free parenting program available through First 5 Mendocino. Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) Parenting Group is a parenting course that meets once a week for 8 weeks on Zoom, starting on July 19th from 10am-12pm. There are parents on our staff who have done this series, and it is a really helpful and healthy experience for families. Basically, these courses focus on strategies to boost student confidence, manage misbehavior, set rules and routines, encourage behavior that you prefer, take care of yourselves as parents and feel confident in your parenting. These courses for parents of elementary age children are a really amazing and useful resource. If you would like more information or to talk about this program, you can contact the school at any time, or contact First 5 via the following link:
over 1 year ago, Sierra Lahera
LEGGETT VALLEY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY JUNE 21, 2023 LEGGETT SCHOOL 1 SCHOOL WAY LEGGETT, CA 95585 OPEN SESSION: 4:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: 4:35 P.M. AGENDA: 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Agenda Approval 3. Public Input re: Closed Session Items 4. Recess to Closed Session a. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT/EMPLOYMENT i. Administrative Assistant ii. High School Teacher 5. Reconvene to Open Session 6. Report Out of Closed Session 7. Public Comments: A maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board. The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendent for further clarification. Individuals may address the Board on regular session agenda items at the time they are under consideration. While we are conducting meetings remotely the Board Secretary will read any comments put in the chat box at the end of public comments. 8. Honor District Retirees: a. Jeff Allen B. Jamie Stuth 9. Discussion Items: a. Review of LCAP Local Indicators 10. Discussion/Action Items: a. Consideration/Adoption of the 2023/2024 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) b. Consideration/Adoption of the 2023/2024 Budget c. Extended Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan d. School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Review and Revision LVES and LVHS e. Approval of Instructional Minutes for the 2023-24 school year. f. Resolution #2022/2023~9; Authorization for 2022/2023 Budget Transfers g. Resolution #2022/2023~10; Authorization for 2022/2023 Interfund Transfers h. Resolution #2022/2023~11; Authorization for 2022/2023 Interfund Temporary Cash Transfers i. Resolution #2022/2023~12; Authorization for 2022/2023 Temporary Cash Transfers - General Fund j. Resolution #2022/2023~13; Resolution Regarding the Education Protection Account k. Consent Agenda 1) Minutes from May 10, 2023 Regular Meeting 2) Minutes from June 14, 2023 11. Review Agenda for Next Regular Meeting: a. William Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report 4th Quarter b. 2022/2023 Annual Principal Apportionment Report c. Summer Maintenance Project Report d. Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Teachers e. Board of Trustees Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting for 2023-24 f. Facilities Master Plan g. Superintendent’s Goals 12. Date and Location of Next Regular Meeting: August 9, 2023 - Leggett Valley School 13. Comments: a. Superintendent b. Board 14. Adjournment of Meeting
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
Notice Of Public Hearing June 14th, 2023
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
Notice Of Public Hearing
LEGGETT VALLEY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WEDNESDAY MAY 10, 2023 LEGGETT VALLEY SCHOOL 1 SCHOOL WAY LEGGETT, CA 95585 OPEN SESSION: 4:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: 4:35 P.M. ZoomLink: AGENDA - REGULAR MEETING 1. Call meeting to order 2. Agenda Approval 3. Public Comments on Closed Session Items: A maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board. The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendent for further clarification. Individuals may address the Board on open session items at the time they are under consideration. 4. Recess to Closed Session a. PUBLICEMPLOYEEAPPOINTMENT:Title:DistrictAdministrativeAssistant (G.C. 54957(b)(1).) b. Consideration ofInterdistrict Transfer Requests for 2023/2024 school year IDT 2023/2024 a; 2023/2024 b c. Conference with LAT Labor Negotiator • Name of Organization Negotiator; Superintendent Consideration regarding Disability Benefit 5.Reconvene to Open Session 6.Report Out of Closed Session 7.Communications/Reports c. District d. Leggett e. Whale Gulch f. Business Manager g. Transportation h. CTA i. CSEA 8.Discussion Items a. Attendance Update b. Spring Fling c. Town Hall Meeting/Community Communication d. Gym Floor e. Extended Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Summer School Program 9. Informational Items a. P-2 Attendance Report b. School Board Evaluation 10. Action Items a. Consideration/Adoption of BP 4161.9 Catastrophic Leave b. Consideration/Approval of the Leggett Valley USD Overnight Field Trip 1. Leggett Valley School overnight trip to Roseville, Ca (8th Grade) c. Consideration/Approval of the Consent Agenda 1. 2023-2024 Designation of CIF Representative to League 2. Personnel Assignment Order 3. Consent Warrants, April 2023 4. Enrollment Update (month 9) 5. Minutes from May 3, Special Meeting 6. Minutes from April 17 Special Meeting 7. Minutes from April 19 Special Meeting 11. Date and Location of Next Regular Meeting: June 14th, 2023 Whale Gulch School Comments: a. Superintendent b. Board Adjournment of meeting
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
LVUSD BOARD OF TRUSTEE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING LEGGETT VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 SCHOOL WAY LE GGET T , C A 9 55 8 5 WEDNESDAY, MAY 03, 2023 4:30 P.M. OPEN SESSION 4:40 p.m. CLOSED SESSION To attend the meetings please follow the link Meeting Id: 895 2679 9266 AGENDA: 1. CallMeeting toOrder 2. AgendaApproval 3. PublicComments on Closed Session items: A maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board. The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendant for further clarification. Individuals may address the Board on regular session agenda items at the time they are under consideration. While we are conducting meetings remotely the Board Secretary will read any comments put in the chat box atthe end of public comments. 4. Recess to Closed Session a. Conference with District Negotiators regarding CSEA MOU. b. Conference with Negotiators regarding Confidential Reclassification and Salary Schedule for Administrative Assistant. c. Public Employee Appointment: Business Manager (G.C.54957.6) d. Public Employee: Discipline/Dismissal/Release (G.C. 54957.6) 5. Reconvene to Open Session 6. Report out of Closed 7. Adjournment of Meeting
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
Leggett Valley Unified School District is delighted to announce the hiring of our new Superintendent/Principal Sierra Lahera. Ms. Lahera came to Mendocino County in 2017 to continue her career in Public Education. She came to Mendocino County seeking a place to set her roots where “there are more trees than people”! Prior to moving to Mendocino County, Sierra lived in southern California where she worked for the past 23 years with children and families. Her career in Public Education includes early childhood education, substitute teaching in all grades K-12, teaching high school special education, serving as the Special Education Director and Coordinator for Ukiah Unified School District and most recently has worked for the Mendocino County Office of Education as an Education Specialist. Ms. Lahera shares that “It has been an absolute pleasure to start learning about our awesome schools and dedicated staff. I felt right at home here from the very first time I stepped onto both campuses. I am eager to get to know students and parents by name at both Whale Gulch and Leggett Valley school sites. I welcome folks to come in and chat with me anytime. I want to especially thank the school board members who are clearly so in tune with the staff and communities and care very much about our youth. It is an honor that they have put their trust in me. I can’t wait to get started.” The new Superintendent/Principal will begin working part time on both campuses right away with Interim Superintendent Joanie Potter. She is looking forward to her new role and hopes to be an integral part of bringing the community together with events and activities, celebrating our successes, and most importantly, growing hearts and minds. Please feel free to reach out to her at 707 925-2005 or email Leggett Valley Unified School District warmly welcomes Sierra Lahera to the school communities and feels so very fortunate to have her become a part of the school family.
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
LVUSD BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023 9:00 A.M. OPEN SESSION LEGGETT VALLEY SCHOOL 1 SCHOOL WAY, LEGGETT, CA. 95585 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting I.D. 873 6167 5203 AGENDA: 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Closed Session Agenda Approval 3. Public Comments on Closed Session Items: A maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on Closed session items. The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendent for further clarification. 4. Recess to Closed Session: Conference with Labor Negotiators (G.C. 54957.6.) Name of Agency Negotiator: LVUSD Board Name of Organization Representing Employees: Joan Potter, Interim Superintendent a. The Board will meet with its designated representative regarding the salary, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits for the position of Superintendent, an unrepresented employee. Closed session in accordance with California Government Code Section 54957 b. (1); The Board will meet in closed session to discuss an employment contract with the new Superintendent 5. Reconvene to Open Session: 6. Report Out of Closed Session: 7. Adjournment of Meeting
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
LVUSD BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING Monday, April 17, 2023 LEGGETT VALLEY SCHOOL 1 School Way, Leggett, CA. 95585 Zoom Link 9:30 A.M. CLOSED SESSION AGENDA: 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Closed Session Agenda Approval 3. Public Comments on Closed Session Items: A maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on Closed session items. The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendant for further clarification. 4. Recess to Closed Session: a. Public Employment (GC 54957): Superintendent b. Public Employment (GC 54957): Interviews of Superintendent Candidates 5. Reconvene to Open Session: 6. Report Out of Closed Session: 7. Adjournment of Meeting
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
Hello Leggett Parents! Attached you will find a comprehensive survey relating to the school and to the student and parent experience. It is very important that we get everyone's feedback as we build our plans for the future. This is an important way for you to have input in your child's education, and we REALLY value your responses. Please complete the survey and submit it. You will only be able to access it and complete it once. Thank you so much for your time and input.
over 1 year ago, Korina Sotelo
LVUSD BOARD OF TRUSTEES WEDNESDAY APRIL 12, 2023 4:00P.M. CLOSED SESSION 4:30P.M. OPEN SESSION WHALE GULCH SCHOOL 76811 USAL RD, WHITETHORN, CA 95589 VIA ZOOM To attend the meeting please follow the link Meeting ID: 837 0339 3237 AGENDA: 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Agenda Approval 3. Public Comments A maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board. The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendent for further clarification. Individuals may address the Board on regular session agenda items at the time they are under consideration. While we are conducting Board meetings remotely the Board Secretary will read any comment put in the chat box at the end of public comments . 4. Recess to Closed Session a. Conference with Labor Negotiators for LAT (G.C. 54957.6.) b. Conference with Labor Negotiators for CSEA (G.C. 54957.6) c. Public Employee Appointment: Superintendent/Principal (G.C. 54957 (b)(1).) d. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (G.C. 54957(b).) 5. Reconvene to Open Session 6. Report Out of Closed Session 7. Communications/Reports: a. District/Leggett Report b. Business Manager c. Whale Gulch Report: The Board was presented a written report d. Transportation Report e. CTA Report f. CSEA Report 8. Discussion Items: a. Board Evaluation b. Enrollment Update (month 8) c. P-2 Average Daily Attendance Report d. Staff Appreciation Certificated 5/1-5/5 Classified 5/21-5/27
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
LVUSD Board Meeting
Come Join Us April 10th from 5pm-7pm. Via Zoom:
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
Come join us April 10th
March 21, 2023 Dear Parents/Guardians of Leggett Valley Schools, Leggett Valley Unified School District considers the health and well-being of our students and staff a priority. We have been alerted that your child(ren) may have been exposed to an individual or individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. We are following public health recommendations to ensure that the person/people with COVID-19 follows instructions for isolation and remains away from others until they can safely return to school. The individual with COVID-19 was in school while possibly infectious on Monday, March 21, 2023. There are COVID home tests available in the office. Please remember that if your child is experiencing symptoms, a precaution to prevent spread is to keep them home and then test. We encourage you to contact us with questions and concerns. Please call the district office at 707 925-6285 for updates. Please be assured that we are committed to facilitating an optimal learning experience ensuring the safety of our students and staff. Sincerely, Joan Viada Potter, Interim Superintendent
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
LVUSD BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2023 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION 4:15 P.M. CLOSED SESSION 4:30 P.M. OPEN SESSION Whale Gulch School 76811 Usal Rd Whitethorn, Ca 95589 and Leggett Valley School 1 School Way Leggett, Ca 95585 Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 822 9427 3140 PH # 1 (669) 444-9171
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
LVUSD Special Board Meeting
We have generators and the school is back in business! Our plan is to have students back on campus on Tuesday, March 7th . However in preparation for the upcoming storms we hope to deliver work packets to students bus stops on Monday afternoon in case they cant make it to school, bring the packets to school on Tuesday if not please complete the work at home and return it to the school when you can get here. We will continue to notify and update you regularly as long as technology allows! Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all.
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
All Leggett Valley and Whale Gulch Unified School District schools will be closed tomorrow. Please stay safe.
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
Hello All, Just a friendly reminder Town hall Meeting starts at 6pm today at the school in Ambers Classroom. Come join us!
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
Hello LVUSD parents, I am working with the district in recruiting a new superintendent. Your input is appreciated and valued as we go through the process. Please fill out the survey from the following link. The survey should take about 8 minutes to complete. Additionally there will be a Leggett Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, February 15 at 6 pm in the Leggett School Library. I will be talking about current school plans and the Superintendent search. I would love to hear your thoughts. Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Joanie Viada Potter
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
School will be in session tomorrow Feb.9th.
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo
Hello families due to the lack of water we will be calling school for the day. There is a leak in the elementary school. Apologize for the inconvenience. Buses will run accordingly in the next ten minutes. Please be available to pick up your children at there normal stops any questions please contact the school at 707-925-6285
almost 2 years ago, Korina Sotelo