Dear Panther Family, Can you believe that next week is the last week of school? Next week, there is school Monday throughThursday. No school Friday next week. Monday, June 3 is Spring Fling. Everyone is welcome! It will be a fun day. Tuesday through Thursday are minimum days for all students with school dismissal and transportation leaving at 1pm. There is no afterschool program Tuesday through Thursday next week. The graduation ceremony for 8th and 12th graders will be on Thursday evening at 5pm. Graduation set up will begin on Tuesday. We are so excited to celebrate our graduates! We hope to see you all on Monday. Have a wonderful evening.
7 months ago, Sierra Lahera
last week schedule
spring fling
Spirit Week continues! Thursday is TACKY TOURIST day! Get out your Hawaiian shirts, big hats, and funny shorts and be as silly as you can!
7 months ago, Dr. Godey Hamor | Leggett Valley School
spirit week flyer
Good morning families! Remember that this week is spirit week! Wednesday is color day. K-1 is wearing red, 2-3 is wearing orange, 4-5-6 is wearing yellow, 7-8 is wearing green, 9-10 is wearing blue and 11-12 is wearing purple.
7 months ago, Dr. Godey Hamor | Leggett Valley School
spirit week flyer
Leggett's Dual Credit Program has been growing! We have both Early College and Dual Credit programs, both in the classroom and online. Our students have access to a wide variety of course options and pathways. See the attached flyer, and contact us for more information!
7 months ago, Dr. Godey Hamor | Leggett Valley School
Leggett Dual Credit Flyer
Dear Families, Thank you to those who have helped us make our schools better by responding to the surveys this survey season. If you have not already completed the Parent Healthy Kids Survey, the links are included below. There is one more survey regarding Parent Involvement and Family Engagement. Please click on the link to complete each survey by Friday, May 31. Parent Involvement and Family Engagement for ALL PARENTS - Previous links for Parent Healthy Kids Survey in case you have not had the chance to complete it yet: Leggett Valley Parents K-8 - Leggett Valley Parents High School - Whale Gulch Parents K-8 - Whale Gulch Parents High School - Thank you for your support!
7 months ago, Sierra Lahera
survey says
This Saturday, May 25, meet at school at 9:30am. Kids are encouraged to dress as fire fighters, loggers, or Leggett Panthers. Parent pick up at the Fire House at 10:15am.
7 months ago, Sierra Lahera
MFF parade
One week away - Spirit Week!
7 months ago, Sierra Lahera
spirit week
Dear Panther Families, Thank you for your continued patience with our transportation challenges. Here are some updates: First, it looks like the south bus will not run for the remainder of the school year. A van will go out to the furthest stops, Bell Springs, Laytonville, and Cummings in the mornings and the afternoons. If this changes, we will let you know. Second, the north bus will continue to run with the exception of this Friday, May 17. There will be no transportation to and from Leggett Valley School from Redway, Garberville, Piercy, and other north stops this Friday. Ruby is covering the school office for the remainder of the school year and will be calling parents to try to help organize a carpool. Please call the school office to connect with Ruby if you are able to help. Lastly, we are working on getting more drivers trained to try to help avoid this situation in the future. If you or anyone you know is interested in being trained to drive a bus, please call Korina at the District Office. Getting kids to and from school is a top priority and we are so grateful for your patience. Have a wonderful day.
8 months ago, Sierra Lahera
transportation update
LEGGETT VALLEY UNIFIED BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024 AT 4:30PM LEGGETT VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT LEGGETT VALLEY SCHOOL, 1 SCHOOL WAY , LEGGETT, CA 95585 WHALE GULCH SCHOOL, 76811 USAL ROAD, WHITETHORN, CA 95589 AGENDA Call to Order / Roll Call Agenda Approval Public Input re: Closed Session Items Recess to Closed Session Employee Discipline, Dismissal, and Release Conference with Real Property Negotiator Jessica Ozalp regarding negotiation of sublease terms with Whale Gulch Educational Association for rental of the premises of Whale Gulch School site Reconvene to Open Session Report Out of Closed Session Adjournment of Meeting ADA Compliance Notice: Leggett Valley Unified School District adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you require special accommodations, or more information about accessibility, please contact the Superintendent, at (707) 925-6285. All efforts will be made for reasonable accommodations. Agenda Packet & Supporting Documents Notice: The agenda packet and supporting materials, including materials distributed less than 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, can be viewed at the Leggett Valley Unified School District Office. For more information, please call (707) 925-6285.
8 months ago, Korina Sotelo
Good Afternoon Families, We will have a South van run for the rest of this week to bellsprings and Cummings. Thank you.
8 months ago, Korina Sotelo
Good evening families, the south bus route will not run in the morning on Tuesday, May 7. We will have a van picking up from Bell Springs and Cummings. Thank you for your patience with our transportation. We will update you about the afternoon as soon as possible.
8 months ago, Korina Sotelo
LEGGETT VALLEY UNIFIED BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY MAY 8, 2024 LEGGETT VALLEY SCHOOL ONE SCHOOL WAY LEGGETT CA, 95585 CLOSED SESSION: 4:00 P.M. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: 4:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to Order / Roll Call 2. Agenda Approval 3. Public Input re: Closed Session Items 4. Recess to Closed Session a. Conference with Labor Negotiators (G.C. 54957.6) ● Name of Agency Negotiators: Superintendent ● Name of Organization: LAT a. Employee Resignation and Dismissal b. Employee Discipline, Dismissal, and Release c. Consideration of Interdistrict Transfer Requests for 2024/2025 School Year ■ IDT 24/25A, IDT 24/25B, IDT 24/25E, IDT 24/25F, IDT 24/25G, IDT 24/25I, IDT 24/25J, IDT 24/25K, IDT 24/25L, IDT 24/25N, IDT 24/25O 5. Reconvene to Open Session 6. Report Out of Closed Session 7. Public Comments: A maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for members of the public to address the Board. The Board may briefly respond to such public comments by asking questions to clarify the speakers’ comments and refer the speaker to the Superintendent for further clarification. Individuals may address the Board on regular session agenda items at the time they are under consideration. While we are conducting meetings remotely the Board Secretary will read any comments put in the chat box at the end of public comments. 8. Correspondence Communication/Department Reports District Updates Leggett Valley School Whale Gulch School CTA/LAT CSEA Informational Items: Leggett Valley 4/6 Teacher presentation by Lisa Campbell Monthly Enrollment Update - April 2024 Second Principal Apportionment Report Year Four of ESSERS/GEERS Reporting & Summary of All COVID Funds Overview of One-Time Funding 2024/25 LCAP Preview Discussion/Action Items: Updates for Whale Gulch School and the Sublease with Whale Gulch School Education Association Proposed Transfers from Fund 15 Transportation Equipment Purchase of PA System at Leggett Valley School from ESSERS III Funds Approval of 2022/23 Annual Financial Audit Report Approval of Resolution 2023/24~18 Final Action on Resolutions and Decision Not to Reemploy Classified Employees for the 2024/25 School Year Approval of Resolution 2023/24~19 Specification of Election Order First Reading of Revised Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 1230 - School Connected Organizations Revise 2024 Board Meeting Calendar to Avoid Juneteenth Holiday Discussion and Potential Action Regarding Repair of LVS Gymnasium Floor Board Evaluation Discussion Acceptance of Donations Consent Agenda Minutes from April 17, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes from Special Meeting April 19, 2024 Minutes from Special Meeting April 24, 2024 Warrants April 2024 Personnel Assignment Order - May 2024 Designation of CIF Representative to League Contract with Flory Systems LLC MOU with MCOE for Payroll Services MOU with Marin County Office of Education for CCEE 24/25 School Calendars Review Agenda for Next Regular Meeting: Inter-fund Cash Transfers Honor District Retirees PUBLIC HEARING: LCAP PUBLIC HEARING: 2024/2025 Budget Adopt LCAP Adopt Budget RESOLUTION: Appropriation of End Fund Balance to Reserve Account RESOLUTION: Authorize County Superintendent to Transfer Expenditures Between Funds Annual Superintendent’s Evaluation Review Detailed Board Action Calendar Single School Plans for Student Achievement Review and Revision Consolidated Application (consent) Items Board Members Wish for Future Agendas Date and Location of Next Regular Meeting: June 12, 2024 @ Whale Gulch School Comments: Superintendent Board Adjournment of Meeting
8 months ago, Korina Sotelo
8 months ago, Korina Sotelo
Leggett! We are very excited to be able to offer tickets to this year's Missoula performance for free, thanks to the Arts & Music grant funding. Come down to watch our students in Peter & Wendy today at 5pm and tomorrow at 1pm. Today is a regular school day for ALL students. Families with children ages 0-5, join us at 9:30 for fun activities and informational resources, and special guest Pete the Panther. Book Fair opens today! AND FOOD TRUCK ON CAMPUS 11AM-8PM.
8 months ago, Sierra Lahera
8 months ago, Korina Sotelo
Leggett Valley School and Whale Gulch School are so very lucky to have amazing food service heroes who are incredible cooks! Help us celebrate them tomorrow for School Lunch Hero Day!
8 months ago, Sierra Lahera
food hero
We are so excited to celebrate our teachers next week for Teacher Appreciation Week!! Check out the daily themes and teacher faves! Maestra: water, salty snacks, black licorice, blue Mr. Parsons: Water and bubble water (any kind, any flavor), Nuts and trail mix, some kind of chocolate, green Mindi: Unsweetened iced tea, water with liquid IV, Beef jerky, pretzels, kind dark chocolate bars, fresh fruit Peanut m&ms, Junior mints, Teal blue Mr. Morrow: Water and Coffee, Cookies, Green Ms. Kelley: Liquid IV (hydration and energy), greenish bananas and most fruit, chocolate anything and jelly beans, green Ms. Campbell: Water, Fruit, Reeses, Purple Ms. Wilson: Coffee & water, Veggies, fruit, nuts, cheese, Dark chocolate, Purple
8 months ago, Sierra Lahera
teacher appreciation
Announcements! AFTERNOON south van run to Bell Springs and Laytonville will resume today and tomorrow. FAMILY EVENT for children 0-5 Friday 9:30-12: fun activities, information and resources, pictures play and picnic with Pete the Panther. FOOD TRUCK on campus Friday 11am-8pm - come have lunch and dinner with us!
8 months ago, Sierra Lahera
Dear Families, We are not able to continue the south van run that was going to Bell Springs, Cummings, Laytonville for the rest of the week. At this point, there will be no south transportation for the rest of the week. We are so sorry for the inconvenience. As soon as we have an update, we will let you know. Thank you for your patience.
8 months ago, Sierra Lahera
South Bus Run cancelled
Congratulations to Marcie Raney for winning Yearbook's Wood Raffle! Thanks to the community's support, we have raised money to make Leggett Valley's 2023-24 yearbook more affordable.
8 months ago, Student Leadership
Chase picking the Wood Raffle winner