Board of Trustees

About the Board

The Leggett Valley Unified School District Board of Education is a five-member Board, elected from an at large area that includes all voters within the Leggett Valley Unified School District boundaries. Although we are an at large voting area we always work to have representation from both of our school sites in the following manner:

  • Two (2) members- Whale Gulch School area

  • Three (3) members- Leggett Valley School Area
    Members are elected for four (4) year terms. Regular meetings of the Board are open to the public and are generally held on the second Wednesday of each calendar month. The Board shall be the policy-forming body of the District. It shall establish general policies governing the operation of the schools with the assistance of the Superintendent and the administrative staff.
    Among the Board’s numerous duties are the adoption of the annual budget, approval of expenditures, adoption of reasonable policies for government of the District, employees, and pupils, employment of personnel, approval of the curriculum, textbooks, and courses of study, approval of facility plans and construction contracts. Action can only be taken when the Board is meeting in formal session with a majority of its members present.
    Should you have questions, contact the Superintendent’s Office at 707-925-6285.

School Board Members

Jessica Roemer photo

Jessica Roemer

Brandie Enright photo

Brandie Enright

Leggett Valley Logo

Jennifer Parent

Tonie Traina photo

Tonie Traina

Board President

Mark Kelley photo

Mark Kelley